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Music Pedagogy Bachelor's Degrees in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Music Pedagogy Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we rated 22 Pennsylvania schools offering music pedagogy bachelor's degrees, and Temple University is the best option.

Check other Pennsylvania schools awarding music pedagogy bachelor's degrees and music colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other music major or diploma.

PA music pedagogy bachelor's degree schools:

Temple University - Music School Ranking
1. Temple University

Located in Philadelphia

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania - Music School Ranking
Bucknell University - Music School Ranking
3. Bucknell University

Located in Lewisburg

Lebanon Valley College - Music School Ranking
4. Lebanon Valley College

Located in Annville

Duquesne University - Music School Ranking
5. Duquesne University

Located in Pittsburgh

Messiah University - Music School Ranking
6. Messiah University

Located in Mechanicsburg

Marywood University - Music School Ranking
7. Marywood University

Located in Scranton

Immaculata University - Music School Ranking
8. Immaculata University

Located in Immaculata

York College of Pennsylvania - Music School Ranking
Elizabethtown College - Music School Ranking
10. Elizabethtown College

Located in Elizabethtown

Gettysburg College - Music School Ranking
11. Gettysburg College

Located in Gettysburg

Susquehanna University - Music School Ranking
12. Susquehanna University

Located in Selinsgrove

Mercyhurst University - Music School Ranking
Seton Hill University - Music School Ranking
14. Seton Hill University

Located in Greensburg

Lancaster Bible College - Music School Ranking
15. Lancaster Bible College

Located in Lancaster

Westminster College New Wilmington - Music School Ranking
Cairn University Langhorne - Music School Ranking
17. Cairn University Langhorne

Located in Langhorne

Clarks Summit University - Music School Ranking
18. Clarks Summit University

Located in Clarks Summit

Geneva College - Music School Ranking
19. Geneva College

Located in Beaver Falls

Chestnut Hill College - Music School Ranking
20. Chestnut Hill College

Located in Philadelphia

University of Valley Forge - Music School Ranking
21. University of Valley Forge

Located in Phoenixville

Grove City College - Music School Ranking
22. Grove City College

Located in Grove City

Other music bachelor's degrees in PA:

General Music: 47 schools
Music History and Literature: 10 schools
Music Performance: 24 schools
Music Theory and Composition: 7 schools
Stringed Instruments: 1 school
Voice and Opera: 2 schools
Jazz Studies: 2 schools
Music Therapy: 10 schools
Music Management and Merchandising: 15 schools

Other music pedagogy diplomas in PA:

Certificates: 4 schools
Master's Degrees: 7 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 school

Pennsylvania music schools by city:

Allentown: 1 school
Annville: 1 school
Beaver Falls: 1 school
Bethlehem: 2 schools
Bloomsburg: 1 school
Blue Bell: 1 school
Bryn Mawr: 1 school
California: 1 school
Carlisle: 1 school
Clarks Summit: 1 school
Collegeville: 1 school
Easton: 1 school
Elizabethtown: 1 school
Erie: 1 school
Gettysburg: 1 school
Greensburg: 1 school
Grove City: 1 school
Harrisburg: 1 school
Haverford: 1 school
Immaculata: 1 school
Indiana: 1 school
Kutztown: 1 school
Lancaster: 2 schools
Langhorne: 1 school
Latrobe: 1 school
Lewisburg: 1 school
Lincoln University: 1 school
Meadville: 1 school
Mechanicsburg: 1 school
Millersville: 1 school
Monaca: 1 school
New Wilmington: 1 school
Newtown: 1 school
Philadelphia: 9 schools
Phoenixville: 1 school
Pittsburgh: 6 schools
Radnor: 1 school
Reading: 1 school
Saint Davids: 1 school
Scranton: 1 school
Selinsgrove: 1 school
Slippery Rock: 1 school
Swarthmore: 1 school
Washington: 1 school
Waynesburg: 1 school
West Chester: 1 school
Williamsport: 1 school
York: 1 school

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