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Music Management and Merchandising Bachelor's Degrees in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Music Management and Merchandising Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 1 New Hampshire school granting music management and merchandising bachelor's degrees, and Keene State College is the only option.

Check the only New Hampshire school awarding music management and merchandising bachelor's degrees and music colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or consider other music major or diploma.

NH music management & merchandising bachelor's degree schools:

Keene State College - Music School Ranking
1. Keene State College

Located in Keene

Music management & merchandising bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Berklee College of Music - Music School Ranking
Berklee College of Music

Located in Boston, Massachusetts

University of Massachusetts Lowell - Music School Ranking
University of Massachusetts Lowell

Located in Lowell, Massachusetts

Champlain College - Music School Ranking
Champlain College

Located in Burlington, Vermont

Simmons University - Music School Ranking
Simmons University

Located in Boston, Massachusetts

Western New England University - Music School Ranking
Western New England University

Located in Springfield, Massachusetts

Stonehill College - Music School Ranking
Stonehill College

Located in Easton, Massachusetts

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts - Music School Ranking
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts

Located in North Adams, Massachusetts

Dean College - Music School Ranking
Dean College

Located in Franklin, Massachusetts

Bay State College - Music School Ranking
Bay State College

Located in Boston, Massachusetts

NH music schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

Dartmouth College - Music School Ranking
Dartmouth College

Located in Hanover, 2 bachelor's programs

University of New Hampshire - Music School Ranking
University of New Hampshire

Located in Durham, 1 bachelor's program

Plymouth State University - Music School Ranking
Plymouth State University

Located in Plymouth, 2 bachelor's programs

Saint Anselm College - Music School Ranking
Saint Anselm College

Located in Manchester, 1 bachelor's program

Southern New Hampshire University - Music School Ranking
Southern New Hampshire University

Located in Manchester, 1 bachelor's program

Franklin Pierce University - Music School Ranking
Franklin Pierce University

Located in Rindge, 1 bachelor's program

Other music bachelor's degrees in NH:

General Music: 6 schools
Music History and Literature: 1 school
Music Performance: 1 school
Music Theory and Composition: 1 school
Music Pedagogy: 3 schools

Other music management & merchandising diplomas in NH:

Certificates: 1 school

New Hampshire music schools by city:

Durham: 1 school
Hanover: 1 school
Keene: 1 school
Manchester: 2 schools
Plymouth: 1 school
Rindge: 1 school

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