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Music Schools in Wilmore, Kentucky

in the area
Wilmore, Kentucky is an OK city to earn your music diploma. The only one college which provides that option in the city is Asbury University. That college has a decent quality programs - four stars for curriculum and two-star rating for teaching.

There are one hundred sixty four more music schools near Wilmore. Learn about all schools offering music programs around the city below.

Music schools in Wilmore, Kentucky:

Asbury University - Music School Ranking
1. Asbury University

2 music programs

Music schools near Wilmore, Kentucky:

University of Kentucky - Music School Ranking
University of Kentucky

Located in Lexington, Kentucky

Transylvania University - Music School Ranking
Transylvania University

Located in Lexington, Kentucky

Centre College - Music School Ranking
Centre College

Located in Danville, Kentucky

Eastern Kentucky University - Music School Ranking
Eastern Kentucky University

Located in Richmond, Kentucky

Kentucky State University - Music School Ranking
Kentucky State University

Located in Frankfort, Kentucky

Berea College - Music School Ranking
Berea College

Located in Berea, Kentucky

Campbellsville University - Music School Ranking
Campbellsville University

Located in Campbellsville, Kentucky

Bellarmine University - Music School Ranking
Bellarmine University

Located in Louisville, Kentucky

Lindsey Wilson College - Music School Ranking
Lindsey Wilson College

Located in Columbia, Kentucky

University of Louisville - Music School Ranking
University of Louisville

Located in Louisville, Kentucky

Simmons College of Kentucky - Music School Ranking
Simmons College of Kentucky

Located in Louisville, Kentucky

Kentucky Mountain Bible College - Music School Ranking
Kentucky Mountain Bible College

Located in Jackson, Kentucky

Morehead State University - Music School Ranking
Morehead State University

Located in Morehead, Kentucky

Indiana University Southeast - Music School Ranking
Indiana University Southeast

Located in New Albany, Indiana

Hanover College - Music School Ranking
Hanover College

Located in Hanover, Indiana

Union College Barbourville - Music School Ranking
Union College Barbourville

Located in Barbourville, Kentucky

Northern Kentucky University - Music School Ranking
Northern Kentucky University

Located in Highland Heights, Kentucky

University of the Cumberlands - Music School Ranking
University of the Cumberlands

Located in Williamsburg, Kentucky

Mount Saint Joseph University - Music School Ranking
Mount Saint Joseph University

Located in Cincinnati, Ohio

Gods Bible School and College - Music School Ranking
Gods Bible School and College

Located in Cincinnati, Ohio

University of Cincinnati - Music School Ranking
University of Cincinnati

Located in Cincinnati, Ohio

Xavier University - Music School Ranking
Xavier University

Located in Cincinnati, Ohio

Shawnee State University - Music School Ranking
Shawnee State University

Located in Portsmouth, Ohio

Western Kentucky University - Music School Ranking
Western Kentucky University

Located in Bowling Green, Kentucky

Miami University Oxford - Music School Ranking
Miami University Oxford

Located in Oxford, Ohio

Ohio University Southern - Music School Ranking
Ohio University Southern

Located in Ironton, Ohio

Marshall University - Music School Ranking
Marshall University

Located in Huntington, West Virginia

Tennessee Technological University - Music School Ranking
Tennessee Technological University

Located in Cookeville, Tennessee

Kentucky Wesleyan College - Music School Ranking
Kentucky Wesleyan College

Located in Owensboro, Kentucky

University of Dayton - Music School Ranking
University of Dayton

Located in Dayton, Ohio

Sinclair Community College - Music School Ranking
Sinclair Community College

Located in Dayton, Ohio

Franklin College - Music School Ranking
Franklin College

Located in Franklin, Indiana

Indiana University Bloomington - Music School Ranking
Indiana University Bloomington

Located in Bloomington, Indiana

Wilberforce University - Music School Ranking
Wilberforce University

Located in Wilberforce, Ohio

Ohio University Chillicothe - Music School Ranking
Ohio University Chillicothe

Located in Chillicothe, Ohio

International College of Broadcasting - Music School Ranking
Central State University - Music School Ranking
Central State University

Located in Wilberforce, Ohio

Pellissippi State Community College - Music School Ranking
Pellissippi State Community College

Located in Knoxville, Tennessee

Carson Newman University - Music School Ranking
Carson Newman University

Located in Jefferson City, Tennessee

Walters State Community College - Music School Ranking
Walters State Community College

Located in Morristown, Tennessee

Earlham College - Music School Ranking
Earlham College

Located in Richmond, Indiana

Wright State University - Music School Ranking
Wright State University

Located in Dayton, Ohio

Roane State Community College - Music School Ranking
Roane State Community College

Located in Harriman, Tennessee

The University of Tennessee Knoxville - Music School Ranking
The University of Tennessee Knoxville

Located in Knoxville, Tennessee

Cedarville University - Music School Ranking
Cedarville University

Located in Cedarville, Ohio

Johnson University - Music School Ranking
Johnson University

Located in Knoxville, Tennessee

Volunteer State Community College - Music School Ranking
Volunteer State Community College

Located in Gallatin, Tennessee

Cumberland University - Music School Ranking
Cumberland University

Located in Lebanon, Tennessee

Welch College - Music School Ranking
Welch College

Located in Gallatin, Tennessee

University of Indianapolis - Music School Ranking
University of Indianapolis

Located in Indianapolis, Indiana

Music schools in other KY cities:

Barbourville: 1 school
Berea: 1 school
Bowling Green: 1 school
Campbellsville: 1 school
Columbia: 1 school
Danville: 1 school
Frankfort: 1 school
Highland Heights: 1 school
Jackson: 1 school
Lexington: 2 schools
Louisville: 3 schools
Morehead: 1 school
Murray: 1 school
Owensboro: 1 school
Richmond: 1 school
Williamsburg: 1 school

Kentucky music schools by program:

General Music: 18 schools
Music History and Literature: 2 schools
Music Performance: 7 schools
Music Theory and Composition: 1 school
Piano and Organ: 1 school
Voice and Opera: 1 school
Music Conducting: 1 school
Music Therapy: 2 schools
Music Pedagogy: 13 schools
Music Management and Merchandising: 3 schools

Kentucky music schools by diploma:

Certificates: 3 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 20 schools
Master's Degrees: 8 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 school

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