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Music Bachelor's Degrees in Mississippi

Mississippi General Music Bachelor's Degree SchoolsOur 2024 ranking contains 13 Mississippi schools awarding general music bachelor's degrees, and University of Mississippi is the best option.

Check other Mississippi schools providing music bachelor's degrees and music colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other music major or diploma.

MS general music bachelor's degree schools:

University of Mississippi - Music School Ranking
1. University of Mississippi

Located in University

Alcorn State University - Music School Ranking
2. Alcorn State University

Located in Alcorn State

Mississippi State University - Music School Ranking
3. Mississippi State University

Located in Starkville

University of Southern Mississippi - Music School Ranking
Mississippi College - Music School Ranking
5. Mississippi College

Located in Clinton

William Carey University - Music School Ranking
6. William Carey University

Located in Hattiesburg

Delta State University - Music School Ranking
7. Delta State University

Located in Cleveland

Millsaps College - Music School Ranking
8. Millsaps College

Located in Jackson

Mississippi University For Women - Music School Ranking
Belhaven University - Music School Ranking
10. Belhaven University

Located in Jackson

Tougaloo College - Music School Ranking
11. Tougaloo College

Located in Tougaloo

Blue Mountain Christian University - Music School Ranking
Mississippi Valley State University - Music School Ranking

General music bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College - Music School Ranking
Vanderbilt University - Music School Ranking
Vanderbilt University

Located in Nashville, Tennessee

Tulane University of Louisiana - Music School Ranking
Tulane University of Louisiana

Located in New Orleans, Louisiana

Auburn University - Music School Ranking
Auburn University

Located in Auburn, Alabama

MS music schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

Jackson State University - Music School Ranking
Jackson State University

Located in Jackson, 2 bachelor's programs

Other music bachelor's degrees in MS:

Music History and Literature: 1 school
Music Performance: 5 schools
Music Theory and Composition: 1 school
Piano and Organ: 1 school
Voice and Opera: 1 school
Music Therapy: 1 school
Music Pedagogy: 9 schools
Music Management and Merchandising: 2 schools

Other general music diplomas in MS:

Associate's Degrees: 5 schools
Master's Degrees: 4 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 2 schools

Mississippi music schools by city:

Alcorn State: 1 school
Blue Mountain: 1 school
Clarksdale: 1 school
Cleveland: 1 school
Clinton: 1 school
Columbus: 1 school
Fulton: 1 school
Goodman: 1 school
Hattiesburg: 2 schools
Itta Bena: 1 school
Jackson: 3 schools
Moorhead: 1 school
Raymond: 1 school
Scooba: 1 school
Starkville: 1 school
Tougaloo: 1 school
University: 1 school
Wesson: 1 school

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